Ajahn Chah Quotes

Ajahn Chah (1918-1992), influential Thai Buddhist master in the Thai Forest Tradition, established numerous monasteries worldwide. His simple, direct teaching style and emphasis on strict discipline attracted many Western disciples, helping spread Theravada Buddhism globally.

The heart of one who practices is like the earth. No matter what they throw on it, the earth remains unchanged.
Ajahn Chah
People who study a lot but don't practice are like a ladle in a soup pot. It's in the soup every day, but it doesn't know the taste of the soup.
Ajahn Chah
Don't be a bodhisatta; don't be an arahant; don't be anything at all. Being something makes you suffer.
Ajahn Chah
Meditation is like catching a fish. If you try to catch it quickly, you'll miss it. If you have patience and know how to wait, the fish will come.
Ajahn Chah
The mind is intrinsically empty. It's empty of all that we perceive as being intrinsically "me" and "mine."
Ajahn Chah
We practice to learn how to let go, not how to increase our holding on to things.
Ajahn Chah
The water in the ocean can be rough or calm. It can be clear or murky. But the water itself doesn't mind.
Ajahn Chah
Our defilements are like tame tigers. If you feed them, they're tame. If you stop feeding them, they'll eat you up.
Ajahn Chah
Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache: you won't be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.
Ajahn Chah
Only one book is worth reading: the heart.
Ajahn Chah
If you want to understand suffering, you must look into the situation at hand. The teachings say that wherever a problem arises it must be settled right there.
Ajahn Chah
You are your own teacher. Looking for teachers can't solve your own doubts. Investigate yourself to find the truth - inside, not outside.
Ajahn Chah
If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will have complete peace.
Ajahn Chah
Peace is within oneself to be found in the same place as agitation and suffering. It is not found in a forest or on a hilltop, nor is it given by a teacher.
Ajahn Chah
Do everything with a mind that lets go. Don't accept praise or gain or anything else. If you let go a little, you will have a little peace; if you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.
Ajahn Chah
When the heart is still, it can be kind. When the mind is still, it can see clearly.
Ajahn Chah
When we know the truth, we become people who don't have to think much, we become people with wisdom.
Ajahn Chah
If you see certainty in that which is uncertain, you are bound to suffer.
Ajahn Chah
Study the Buddha's teaching which is present in every moment.
Ajahn Chah
Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.
Ajahn Chah