S N Goenka Quotes
S N Goenka (1924-2013), Burmese-Indian teacher of Vipassana meditation, established a global network of meditation centers teaching the Vipassana technique. Trained under Sayagyi U Ba Khin, he helped revive the practice of Vipassana in India and globally.
A pure mind is always full of love - real love for all others.
S N Goenka
You are the master of your own mind. You can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
S N Goenka
Don't try to push away the darkness. Just light a lamp. The darkness will disappear by itself.
S N Goenka
Work diligently. Diligently. Work patiently and persistently. Patiently and persistently. And you're bound to be successful. Bound to be successful.
S N Goenka
The Buddha never taught a sectarian religion; he taught Dhamma - the way to liberation - which is universal.
S N Goenka
The law of nature is the law of cause and effect. As you sow, so shall you reap.
S N Goenka
Face your own anger and you will be free from anger. Face your own fears and you will be free from fear.
S N Goenka
Change is the nature of every phenomenon. Accept this truth and you will live a happy life.
S N Goenka
Sankharas are the seeds of consciousness that manifest as sensations. By observing sensations equanimously, we stop creating new sankharas.
S N Goenka
When you generate negativity, you are the first victim of your negativity.
S N Goenka
The technique of self-observation is the technique of observing the reality about oneself at the experiential level.
S N Goenka
Misery ceases to exist when we stop reacting to sensations.
S N Goenka
Vipassana is the art of living. Not the art of escaping.
S N Goenka
The entire path is a path of self-responsibility. Nobody else can walk it for you.
S N Goenka
Life is nothing but a continuous chain of sensations. Pleasant or unpleasant, observe them objectively.
S N Goenka
The only way to experience truth is to look within, to observe oneself.
S N Goenka
Every sensation shares the same characteristic - arising, passing. Arising, passing. Learn to observe objectively.
S N Goenka
Craving and aversion are the roots of suffering. Observe them with equanimity.
S N Goenka
Nothing is permanent. Everything is subject to change. Being is always becoming.
S N Goenka