Emptiness Quotes
The essence of the teaching is emptiness and compassion. Without emptiness, compassion can become attachment. Without compassion, emptiness can become cold and distant.
For whom emptiness is possible, everything is possible. For whom emptiness is not possible, nothing is possible.
Although all phenomena are empty of inherent existence, they function perfectly well.
Things derive their being and nature by mutual dependence and are nothing in themselves.
The essence of mind is empty like space; yet it contains all things, like a mirror.
Emptiness which is conceptually liable to be mistaken for sheer nothingness is in fact the reservoir of infinite possibilities.
D T Suzuki
Those who grasp at things as truly existent are like someone trying to catch the reflection of the moon in water.
Those who cling to perceptions and views wander the world offending people.
Like a dream, like an illusion, like a city of gandharvas, that's how birth, and that's how living, that's how dying are taught to be.
The victorious ones have said that emptiness is the relinquishing of all views. Those who are possessed of the view of emptiness are said to be incurable.
When you realize the emptiness of all phenomena, compassion will arise in your heart for all sentient beings who do not understand this truth.
Through understanding emptiness, one does not become proud of one's virtues, just as one does not become proud of building a castle in the sky.
Recognize the emptiness of all phenomena, but do not become attached to emptiness itself.
Just as the wise do not take a mirage to be water, nor an echo to be a voice, so the enlightened do not take the world to be real.
If I had any position, I would thereby have a flaw. But since I have no position, I alone am without flaw.
By understanding emptiness, one understands all phenomena. Without understanding emptiness, one understands nothing.
Since all things are empty of inherent existence, anything is possible. If things had inherent existence, nothing would be possible.
The essence of all phenomena is empty and clear like space. The nature of mind is awareness-emptiness like the sun and sky.
The nature of all things is like a magical illusion, a mirage, a dream, a reflection of the moon in water.
Those who know emptiness, know impermanence. Those who know impermanence, know non-self. Those who know non-self, know peace.
The nature of everything is empty and clear, and the mind is beyond both existence and nonexistence.
In the beginning, nothing comes, in the middle nothing stays, in the end nothing goes.
The nature of mind is the unity of awareness and emptiness.
Neither from itself nor from another, nor from both, nor without a cause, does anything whatever, anywhere arise.
Whatever is dependently co-arisen, that is explained to be emptiness. That, being a dependent designation, is itself the middle way.
Appearances are mind, mind itself is emptiness, emptiness itself is spontaneous presence.
When one sees with wisdom that all phenomena are empty of inherent existence, one is liberated from suffering.