Peace Quotes

Suffering comes from our resistance to what is. Peace comes from our acceptance of what is.
Joseph Goldstein
A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if he is peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise.
Don't be afraid of the future. The future is good.
Ajahn Brahm
When we develop patience, we find that we develop a reserve of calm and tranquility.
Robert Thurman
Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well.
Jack Kornfield
In our struggle for freedom, truth is the only weapon we possess.
Dalai Lama
Be happy at the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.
S N Goenka
Live in joy, in love, even among those who hate. Live in joy, in health, even among the afflicted. Live in joy, in peace, even among the troubled. Look within, be still.
Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.
Dalai Lama
Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past could have been any different.
Ajahn Brahm
The secret of happiness is to want what you already have.
Ajahn Brahm
Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.
Thich Nhat Hanh
When we understand that peace is not dependent on external conditions, we can find it in the midst of any circumstance.
Joseph Goldstein
True happiness comes from a sense of inner peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through cultivation of altruism, of love, of compassion.
Robert Thurman
Many people think excitement is happiness... But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion.
Robert Thurman
Peace is within oneself to be found in the same place as agitation and suffering. It is not found in a forest or on a hilltop, nor is it given by a teacher.
Ajahn Chah
Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache: you won't be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.
Ajahn Chah
The sign of wisdom is constant joy.
Ajahn Brahm
Try to be mindful and let things take their natural course. Then your mind will become still in any surroundings, like a clear forest pool.
Ajahn Chah
Happiness is not the pursuit of an endless succession of experiences but an attitude toward life.
Matthieu Ricard
Peace is not found by changing the world, but by changing your attitude to the world.
Ajahn Brahm
Peace in oneself, peace in the world.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Real happiness lies within. It cannot be found in external objects or achievements.
S N Goenka
Through violence, you may solve one problem, but you sow the seeds for another.
Dalai Lama
Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past.
Ajahn Brahm
If you want to find peace, then look at that point where you find you're dissatisfied and investigate what's really going on.
Ajahn Chah
Those who know emptiness, know impermanence. Those who know impermanence, know non-self. Those who know non-self, know peace.
When both body and mind are at peace, all things appear as they are: perfect, complete, lacking nothing.
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.
Ajahn Brahm
The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful, we will be free from worries and mental discomfort.
Robert Thurman
If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will have complete peace.
Ajahn Chah
Do everything with a mind that lets go. Don't accept praise or gain or anything else. If you let go a little, you will have a little peace; if you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.
Ajahn Chah
If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Meditation is the road to happiness.
Jack Kornfield
Peace and negativity cannot coexist just as light and darkness cannot coexist.
S N Goenka
World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.
Dalai Lama
True peace comes not from controlling the world, but from letting go of control.
Ajahn Brahm
Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose.
Ajahn Brahm
Happiness is not about getting what you want, but wanting what you've got.
Ajahn Brahm
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.
When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace and love.
Thich Nhat Hanh
When we rest in awareness, we discover a peace that is always present, regardless of circumstances.
Mingyur Rinpoche
Real happiness comes from having an unshakable connection to the deep wellspring of peace and happiness that is not dependent on external conditions.
Sharon Salzberg
The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.
Sharon Salzberg
The cave I live in is empty and so is my mind. I live simply and at ease.
We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.
Dalai Lama
The measure of success in spiritual life is how peaceful you are.
Ajahn Brahm
Smile, breathe, and go slowly.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The purpose of a spiritual discipline is to give us a way to stop the war, not by our force of will, but through understanding and through letting go.
Jack Kornfield
Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.
Thich Nhat Hanh
True peace is found not in the absence of experience but in the clear seeing of all experience.
Mahasi Sayadaw
The yogi's joy is in the solitude of mountains, where all distractions naturally dissolve into emptiness.
May all beings be happy, be peaceful, be liberated.
S N Goenka
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
To be in harmony with the wholeness of things is not to have anxiety over imperfection.
Silence is sometimes the best answer.
Dalai Lama
When you let go of trying to control everything, you can relax and enjoy life.
Ajahn Brahm
Real peace comes from seeing things as they really are, not as we want them to be.
Mahasi Sayadaw
The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.
Alan Watts