Spiritual Path Quotes
The practitioner and practice are like fire and wood. The more you practice, the more you burn.
As surely as there is a voyage away, there is a journey home.
Jack Kornfield
Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.
The spiritual journey is not about heaven and finally getting to a place that's really swell.
Pema Chodron
Devotion is the head of meditation, as is often said. When you are inspired by some spiritual teacher, you can have a very strong connection with that person, and thereby the blessings can enter.
The path is the goal. Every step of the journey is the journey.
Robert Thurman
The practitioner and practice are like fire and wood. The more you practice, the more you burn.
The snow lion stays in the mountains, and the snow lion's ways are the snow lion's ways.
The first step toward faith is to admit that we don't know everything.
Sharon Salzberg
The essence of the spiritual journey is the uncovering of what is always already present.
Joseph Goldstein
External seeking only leads to exhaustion. When you imitate others, you lose your own authenticity.
Faith is the firm foundation, diligence the supporting pillar, and wisdom the roof of the house of practice.
Faith is not a commodity that you either have or don't have - it is an inner quality that unfolds as we learn to trust our own deepest experience.
Sharon Salzberg
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.
In my youth I studied, in my prime I practiced, now all my doubts are cleared.
Be a lamp unto yourself. Work out your liberation with diligence.
The path is not about perfecting ourselves, but about perfecting our love.
Joseph Goldstein
Few among men are they who cross to the further shore. The others merely run up and down the bank on this side.
Sticking with uncertainty, getting the knack of relaxing in the midst of chaos, learning not to panic—this is the spiritual path.
Pema Chodron